Wishful Thinking

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Dashboard Confessional

It's like you're riding at 120 km/h....
You think you know what's ahead of you
You think you're ready for anything
You think you can increase the speed

Suddenly, a car in front of you hits the brake
That's what you get for speeding. hehehe

Nah...I was just kidding....

This morning was amazing..i left to work at 7.15, arrived at my office at 7.45....Wow...!

Mixed feelings...that's what I have right now

Smile, no matter what........

Nahhh....sometimes...i don't want to think too much about too many things....
So,i've decided.... i'll just smile and try to have a good day...hehe

For everyone out there...Just smile, and try to have good thoughts, no matter how hard life's been treating you......

I know it's not easy, but hard work pays, you know....=) I'll always believe that there are many things out there, many good things, waiting for us...

Wishful Thinking can't kill you, it just hurts...hehe

I'll always stand by you..those i love, please forgive me whenever i'm being such a child and so selfish.......................

So, are you going with me, or not? Come on into my car............

Don't hesitate, just trust me.....

Welcome aboard!
Have a nice day...just sit back and enjoy your ride....I'll drive safely, so don't worry.


  • bener ni aman?
    dah lancar nyetirnya? SIM nya? SIM A kan?
    (sambil masang seat belt sembari berdebar-debar)
    yakin lo?
    apa gw aja yg nyetir?

    (tertawa terbahak-bahak tetep sambil deg-deg an)

    By Blogger pema, at 8:57 PM  

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